Day 3 - Functions
In TypeScript functions cannot be defined unless the variables are given a datatype.
function helloWorld(a: string, b: string) {
return true;
notice here function can return any datatype unless defined explicitly.
This can be done as follows:
function helloWorld(a: string, b: string) : string {
return a + b;
if we want our function to not return anything this can be done explicitly as follows:
function helloWorld(a: string, b: string) : void {
return true;
We can define an arrow function similar to how we defined a normal function.
const helloWorld = (a: string, b: string): boolean => {
return true;
These notes are made by watching the Net Ninjas TypeScript Crash course. Checkout the first article in this series to find link for Net Ninja youtube channel and TypeScript Crash course as well.